Israel Education Foundation
Promoting Better Education
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This starts at the top – “Lead by example”, leadership starts the pattern and the rest will follow.

Education will rebuild and Enhance Israel's economic sustainability
I have three words to say to you. EDUCATION... EDUCATION... EDUCATION... You want to get ahead in life, you must have education. You want to compete in today’s economy you must have education. You want to provide for you family you must have education.

Education will rebuild and Enhance Israel's economic sustainability
Education, vocational/trade schools and energy efficiency will be the spearhead to our economic recovery and economic sustainability.
Education will lead to economic progress, bring about innovation and technology, trade schools will help people earn a living, Energy efficiency and Renewable energy will create jobs, save money and resources and make Israelenergy independent. We all know no society can survive without water and energy. Water & energy conservation used effectively will save the State of Israel billions of dollars every year.
Those saved dollars will be used to build and enhance Israel’s economic vitality. My profession & expertise for the past 25 years has been in implementing Energy & utility efficiency.
As a Utility expert one of my goals is to utilize my expertise and implement Energy & utility efficiency for the State of Israel, while rebuilding our educational system. I will set-up an independent citizen oversight committee on government with members replaced every 2 years.
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